Monday, March 28, 2016

Why Temples and symbols in Religion?

There exists a common misconception among the lesser spiritual beings in India and outside that if God is everywhere, then Why Temples?

Excerpt from the book "Transforming INDIANS to Transform INDIA"

Temples in India are not only religious centres, but also cultural and learning centres which communities were built around. They were the centre of social life, where people gathered for special occasions, concerts, etc. Scriptural study, social service and cultural preservation were some functions served by the temple. The temple held the people together and had them work towards a common cause.

For lesser spiritual people, we don't understand the sense behind worshipping feet, signs, idols, words and statues. How can these things be God. Isn't God all-pervading?

"Well, it actually depends on our own needs. Tell me, if you could solve math problems mentally, would you feel the need for a calculator or a pencil and a paper? if a person can walk on his own two legs, does he need the support of crutches or a stick? But a baby, who has neither the strength nor the knowledge of how to stand and balance, does require some support."

Similarly, if our mind is subtle enough to understand and have the direct, living experience that God is formless and all pervading, then we have no need for a temple or an idol, a symbol or a picture. Most of us, however, still crave for the support of a symbol to make sense of God. These symbols evoke love and peace within us, preparing the mind slowly to become subtle, pure, and eventually capable of understanding Divinity without the help of forms. Since we are not able to see divinity in everything, we must first practice seeing it in images or symbols and then slowly expand our vision.

This concept is Universal, in all religions, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, name it.
Mahabalipuram Temple, India.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Ego: Root of all Evil

Ego. Somehow, if you see, most of the problems we face, are the root of the evil that is spouting inside everyone. EGO. Say the Religious Riots, why? cause he said that his god is greater than yours, he said his religion is better, isn't that our ego which makes us fight back? No, Mine is better.  Every time. Same way, failed relationships, which could have been mended, but  didn't, why? ego. Why should i apologize, his or her fault. Fights? someone abused you? you hit him, he hits back. Name it. Its our ego that gets hurts every time and we just cant bear it.

If someone says his/her religion/god is better then yeah, all you could do is,say yeah, and he would feel good, and nothing changes. it has to be as simple as that.
Similarly in a relationship with anyone, you have a tussle? just don't think whose fault is it, how much the other person has hurt you or anything. Do you want that person in your life? Go and Apologize already. its as simple as that, all you have to do is say.
unless you dont!
As einstein always said.

Giving up on Ego is really hard, the ego fights back, but trust me, all it takes little courage, and believe me, your life would be a much better place to live in, bonus, you wont have any regrets in future. ☺ 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Gift Ideas For Him by a Him 😉

Guys can be really hard to shop for
I'm sure you  know...

now shopping for guys and girls is different
one of the big distinctions is that girls like a lot of small things usually they like small gifts but cheap thing and lots of them.

and guys don't tend to buy lots of stuffs
whenever they do want something, its like a truck, or like this higher end items, so sometimes its fewer things, but expensive things...*insider thought* also they don't want you to spend unnecessarily for you. If you get something for him, Make sure they don't feel bad about how expensive that thing is, oh unless you are daughter of bill gates! GET HIM A FERRARIIIIII  ♥

Guys are really practical Practical though, you can't just over emphasise them enough, like I can't voice for everyone, but yeah, most of them. guys like things that are functional, practical, most of the times is a+b=c, black and white, they know what they want, like just practical, what they want and what they can use, definitely nothing girl or what girl likes to have, so when getting him gifts, don't don't gift him from a girl's point of view.

First thing, HEADPHONES ♥ not just sound quality, but also the comfort should be taken into consideration,

Headphones. (if he likes Iron Man, get him Iron Man themed )
favourite comics, Novel books, movie CD, or Action Figure,
action Figures.

Personalised Powerbank maybe idk

portable speaker

GPS possibly dunno, if he is a traveller, or travels frequently then YAHH

and something that they possibly use daily so it'd keep reminding who gave that thingy to him whenever he uses it.. Say his Favourite Theme Boxers.

something he is interested in, like he likes entrepreneurship somethign somethign, so some material reading, cd whaterver magazine bleh bleh trucks, guns, cars, blah comics, movies
airsoft Guns
Game DVDs

Movie DVDs

Mobile Cases of his Favourite Theme.
His Favourite Team Jersey (XXLL size)
personal Hint, *to make things bit naughty, wear it while giving him that Jersey!*

Ps, this all doesn't apply to me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Doing What You Love, Nothing Else Matters

Um, this has always been in my mind, but never gave much thought about it, there is this friend of Mine, i guess thought onto this subject was cause of the things that she is going through her life right now.

We have always been Doing things under Social Morals, according to other's expectations, and we'll be always thinking that If i do this, will they like it? Will they appreciate what i have done? Is it acceptable? 

LIKE STOP, it's about time you start living your life the way you want, No one has to determine what you should do in your life and what you should not, no one has to restrict you, they just can't or lemme put it this way, they have no fucking right to put restrictions on ya. IT'S YOUR LIFE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

And if you gonna continue living the life according to other's expectations, then trust me, you gonna regret af at the end of you life that you never actually did the things that you always wanted to do. You were so busy in making everyone else happy that yourself happy.
ou forgot to make
let none say in the end "i've wasted it".
Everyone will be the first one to come and advice you, do this, do that, but as Robert Downey Jr. Says
listen, smile, agree and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.

Monday, September 21, 2015

India and Gods and Pollution

We spend so much time and money on praying to Gods - that don't exist and have never been seen by anyone - but - the one thing that IS real, DOES exist, gives us oxygen, air to breath, water to drink, soil to do agriculture, a land to live on - Mother Earth, we abuse and misuse. Which by the way is believed to have been built by the same God that we pray to... So isn't it more insulting to the Gods when we abuse this earth that we live in? I mean, no amount of prayers can make up for destroying the place he/she built with such passion. Right? What good is praying? And what good are festivals?

I'm not saying our culture is bad. Nor am I saying we shouldn't celebrate these traditions... I think it's great that people celebrate Ganpati with so much passion! But wouldn't it be amazing if we looked after our land with just as much passion? How many people plant trees? Or stop littering? Or recycle? What about looking after Earth? Isn't that equally important, if not more? I'd like to see riots over the betterment of our planet, and not over religion!

More than half the country is celebrating Ganpati Bappa right now. Bringing him home. Spending lakhs of rupees!! But if the same people were told to contribute towards fixing pot holes - they wouldn't have the money for it! It isn't "their problem". It's the conditioning of the government that is fucked up. The people running this country don't encourage it - and hence it becomes a door to door issue too.

Come on. I think as humans, we're losing the plot if religious rituals are more important than looking after nature. If your prayers towards your God destroy the oceans, or effect the earth in a negative way - what are you doing it for?

Today when I saw this man hole, I literally felt like we're creating these holes for ourselves. These, are our graves. Our children's graves. And if this holds no importance in our lives, then we may as well deserve it.

Think. Think. Use your mind. Question things!! Don't be a sheep. We already have Sheep's! 

 text by @salonichoujar #instagram

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Inspiring Message

originally a repost.

To all the suicidal people out there, i wanted to share this beautiful message by an unknown boy, i found on internet. just read this.

“It has never been easy. When I was sixteen, I knew every potentially fatal thing in my house: Nail polish remover under the sink. Bottle of rubbing alcohol beside it. Hammer in the tool box. Forty foot bridge across the highway. Traffic outside my window. I thought about slamming my own head against a counter until I lost feeling. I thought about punching myself in the face until I stopped breathing. I thought about running out into the street at two a.m. and waiting until a car came. I never thought I’d make it to twenty-five. But I told myself to stay. Just for a little longer. Just to see. So I did. I sat silent amongst my friends, searching for a way to speak. I stopped leaving my house. I swapped sleeping for staying up all night, staring at my bedroom walls. When someone came into my room to talk to me, I started crying. But I stayed. Because I thought, if I plan on dying in a few years anyway, what do I have to lose? And some days I didn’t feel like I was being swallowed whole. Some days I sat by my pool and sang until the sun set. Some days I kissed somebody on their parent’s couch and didn’t feel lonely when I got to my own bed. Some days I listened to a really great song and felt understood, if only for a second. I stayed. And still I thought about bridges. And hammers to the head. And swallowing acetone to cleanse my insides. But slowly slowly slowly I began to understand that it was okay to cry, and shake, and feel anything but okay. I realized that there would still be days that my fist would rise to my cheek. And still, my face would sometimes resemble a bruised peach. But now I tear up my lists of potentially ways to die before I complete them. I replace prescription: pills, rubbing alcohol, & razors with memories of the good days. Of holding your hand through the entire state of Oregon. Of running half-naked down a snowy street three New Year’s ago. Of riding go-carts in the Canadian wilderness. Of smoking cigarettes on the beach in San Francisco with someone I met six months ago. If I had left, we would not know each other. If you feel the same way, stay. For the good days. & the sunsets. And the people out there who understand.” 

 cause the good days will come. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Why do We Value Certain Persons or Things?

Yesterday i was thinking about a friend who i value so much, but she doesn't value me as much as i do! Which made me ponder over why do we value certain things and persons, where as other things and persons have little or no value at all! Why? Why is it some people value money while some people don't, why is it that some rich people do not value food where as the poor do! And this same concept of Value lies in all aspects with almost a same reason!  Can you guess what is that? Lets see if great minds think alike!

Deeply pondering over in grief that she doesn't value me, i realized that we value persons and things that are hard to get! Cause if that person or thing was very cheap and easy to get that thing won't just matter to us. Its the same reason why people value sex from decent girls more than they value sex from a prostitute, its the same reason why poor value even a little amount of food they get because they know they have to work fucking hard to feed themselves. I value her so much in my life cause she is so hard to get, she is way too good for me, we can never happen! I am behind her 24/7 and I'm easily accessible to her whenever she wants or i'll do whatever she wants just at her command! I am easy to get, i am almost of very little or of no value to her! I am easy and she doesn't even wanna meet me and i was dying to meet her.. I am of No Value for Her.!

And who has fun in easy things, human mind was designed to push the limits, it was designed to have fun, it was designed to be greedy, It was designed to constantly be active., so if you just get that thing so easy, it'll gradually loose your attention and that thing or person would be left without any value, and you'll just move on. And that's why playing hard to get almost works every time, except when you can't just play in front of that person and completely surrender, you just want that person, thing, or goal in life so bad that you will be ready to loose your value, ready to lose your pride, more your ego, Your everything.

Never lose HOPE. Keep trying cause hope only means,

H: Hold
O: On
P: Pain
E: Ends

But also Know when to stop trying. Make sure you that thing doesn't just destroy you! Take Care.!